Healing Sessions

Meets via Zoom (link will be sent to participants upon payment)
Private Sessions Costs:
45 minutes one on one $100
5x 45 minutes one on one
private pass $450
Group Sessions 45 minutes:
2 People $50 each
3 People $40 each
4 People $30 each
5 People or more $20 each
We are offering PRIVATE Virtual Healing sessions for anyone who:
Has injuries that are limiting your ability to practice in a class setting (specifically tennis/ golfers elbow, wrist sprain, wrist fracture, finger/ hand injuries, shoulder injuries, knee/ hip pain/ injuries)
Has a cancer or lymphedema diagnosis and wants to learn how to perform self manual lymph drainage to improve the health of their lymphatic system through self-care techniques and education such as compression garments, self MLD, lymphatic yoga, risk reduction, exc.
Is a beginner and wants personal attention to learn about yoga and meditation.
Is interested in learning about chakras, and to be more in tune with their energy.
Wants personal reiki sessions from the comfort of their own home.
Wants an ergonomic assessment of their home work space along with a home exercise program to increase postural alignment and awareness while working from home.